توضیحات صفحه شارژ
صفحه شارژ، نرم افزاری سبک با طراحی زیباست که هنگام اتصال موبایل به شارژ، اجرا شده و به شما مدتی که طول می کشد تا باتری به طور کامل شارژ شوید، اطلاع می دهد.
The description of Charge Screen
Charge Screen is a minimalist, material design-based screen that pops up whenever your phone is plugged into a charger, giving you a good idea of how long it will take to charge.
This app is and will remain ad-free and with no "pay to unlock this feature" popups. All I ask is that you provide some feedback about what I can do to improve your experience.
Github: https://goo.gl/PjBr4W