• فارسی
  • English

توضیحات دفاع از برج شاهزاده

بازی به سبک دفاع از برج بوده و شاهزاده اندونزی را نشان می دهد که در حال دفاع از کشور در برابر حمله های بیگانگان است.

ویژگی های بازی Diponegoro - Tower Defenseدفاع از برج شاهزاده:
  • شامل 6 برج مختلف
  • 16 دشمن متفاوت
  • دارای 26 مرحله
  • مهارت ها و آیتم های مختلف برای کمک به شما جهت اتمام ماموریت ها
  • امکان بهبود قلعه در 5 سطح مختلف

The description of Diponegoro - Tower Defense

Prince Diponegoro, a national hero from Indonesia, is a prince from Yogyakarta Sultanate, eldest son of Sultan Hamengkubuwono |||. He opposed the Dutch colonial rule and have important part in the Java War (1825 - 1830). Read this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diponegoro
This game not tell you the real history about Prince Diponegoro. This game only want to raise Diponegoro character as national hero in defend Java territory from colonial.
Game features :
- 6 Tower : Sharp Bamboo, Mud Bunker, Fire Arrow, Big Arrow, Electric Bike, and Sniper
- 16 enemies type
- 26 Level and will be increased
- Diponegoro as hero character in game
- Many skill and item that will help you to finish the missions
- Tower can be upgraded to 5 level
- Indonesia and English localization
- Java Island map
The game is packed with gameplay Tower Defence is expected to be able to restore the player memory of Indonesian National Heroes. At least by playing this game, players will start looking for Diponegoro, who exactly is he.
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