توضیحات اتاق من - بازی دخترانه
برنامه با چندین ویژگی مشخص می شود، طراحی و انتخاب نمای اتاق یا باغ، بالکن، دیوار یا بدون کف و صندلی را قرار داده است.
The description of My room - Girls Games
My room special program for the design of the room in several forms and colors and the possibility of print
The application contains several Nsamam
The application is characterized by several features
Do not put things where otherwise logical place such as the status window on the ground
A table or on the wall
In addition to the design of the dressing room
dressing room
The design and choice of room or garden views (Balcony - Baranda) put Wall or without floor and chairs
And several other things